I've been following the seamstress queen Amanda (@ms.flipsville) for a while now and everything she makes blows me away. Ev-er-y-thing. You betcha I went bananas when she opened her shop Flipsville Originals, even more so when she listed skirts (we're talking jaw-dropping moment, folks). I just had to have the Atomic Starburst skirt for myself!

Out of all the circle skirts I own, this one is hands down the best fit, highest quality, and perfect length! Not only does it have a wide waist band ideal for belts, there are two button closures with a zipper in the back. Needless to say, I was so impressed and it exceeded my expectations...which were pretty high to begin with because I was a *little* too excited for it.
Now, if only I can get my boyfriend to wear one of the matching shirts she makes by the time car show season starts up...until then I have my cat for photographic support.
Follow Amanda's shop (@flipsvilleoriginals) on Instagram for updates and new listings!
