I went by JoAnn's the other night to exchange knitting needles, when to my surprise and disbelief they were having a sale on Butterick patterns...for $1.99 each. EACH!! I ended up with five amazing revived vintage patterns and this is the first one I've made from them, the Walkaway dress.

This pattern is really great for using basic sewing skills (I'm pretty basic when it comes to sewing anything to begin with..), and no the buttons aren't real they're covering up the snaps underneath. The only complaint I have of the finished product, and it's not just how I made it because I've seen a few others with the same dress, the arms are a bit awkwardly gapping, just because they wrap around. It's not really something I can fix so I took it in more in the waist and it isn't as bad as it was.

The notions say you need three packages of bias tape but I ended up only needing two, although you could use another two to trim the bottom of the full skirt! The material I used was some I had from my grandma's house, it's pretty old but it was exactly the amount needed for the whole dress (I got lucky with that!). I'm going to try and make another since this was just a practice, hopefully with the contrasting skirt and back bodice.

Overall, I really enjoyed making this and I didn't have any frustrations following the pattern...probably because it's labeled as "Very Easy", haha. By all means invest in this pattern because you can make a dress in an afternoon with ease, and then start cranking them out to have all summer!